RSVP Wedding Wording

RSVP Wedding Wording
R.S.V.P. is the abbreviation of a French phrase, "répondez, s'il vous pla?t," which stand for "please reply." The person sending the invitation would like you to inform him or her whether you accept or decline the invitation.
In another word, which means will you be coming to the event or not? The etiquette rules in most Western cultures expect that if you received a formal, written invitation, you should reply promptly, perhaps on that same day.

This is important from a practical point of view for hosts who are planning a wedding dinner party, or a reception, because they need to know how many people to count on and how much food and drink to prepare. More importantly, it is the simple courtesy of responding to someone who was nice enough to invite you, even if it is to say that you regret that you will not be able to attend.

Proper RSVP Wedding Etiquette
In the case of a single person invitation, address the invitation to Mr. David Jackson, and make sure you write inside the response card “Mr. David Jackson will attend ___ will not attend ___” so he can check one or the other.

If you wish to have your sole invite to bring a guest, you can then add “Guest will attend ___ will not attend ___” so your sole invite knows that he can invite an extra guest.

In the case of a family with the several kids, make sure you address the invitation to her and her husband in the
same manner mentioned above, making it clear that the kids are not invited.

If you are holding a formal black-tie wedding, word the invitation as such, saying: “Black tie reception to follow at the location listed here.” Never leave the formality up in the air.

Preparing For Guests Who Can’t Make It
Always make sure to leave a line or a space for guests to check off “Cannot attend” or “Regretfully declines.” If you expect all replies to responded back to you, state a time deadline at the bottom of the card.

In some instances, you may want to limit only from those who cannot make it. Then, make sure “Regrets only” appears along with the time deadline. However, this might be more difficult for to get an accurate head count since invited person don’t have to make clear if they are attending your event.

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